Living locally in Overton

As you may know, about five years ago Bargate Homes built a range of high-quality open market and affordable homes in Sheep Fair Lane, Overton. The above photo is of some of the homes.

Bargate Homes is now keen to learn your views on new proposals to provide the village with a Country Park to the west of Sheep Fair Lane, thereby providing accessible open space for the community.

The Country Park will create a permanent landscaped edge to the village that can be enjoyed for posterity. To facilitate the delivery of this, Bargate Homes’ proposals include a mixture of new open market and affordable homes to the south of the village.

This website will provide you with more details, including the background, what we are proposing, a timeline and how you can contact us. To let us know what you think about the scheme call our Freephone information line on 0800 148 8911 or click below to be taken to our feedback page.

We welcome any feedback or questions you might have.