Our proposals

Our vision

“Market and affordable homes in a natural setting, enclosed by a new Country Park offering a destination for the benefit of the wider community. Furthermore, our proposals include enhancements to pedestrian and cycling routes contributing to the sustainable development of Overton while fostering improved access to the village for everyone.”


The new scheme for up to 130 homes includes the following benefits:

Creating a development with ‘living locally’ in mind

A Country Park and area of public open space for Overton

40% affordable housing: Shared ownership and affordable rented homes, with enhanced accessibility

House types and tenures to suit people to: Get on the housing ladder, buy a family home or downsize.

High quality, future-proofed homes with space for home working

Safe footpath/cycle links between homes and local facilities

Re-wilding areas allowing habitats to develop naturally over time

Homes that complement Overton’s historic character


Illustrative masterplan

Key benefits explained:

A new country park

We are proposing that more than half our site (60%) would become a Country Park with a naturalistic design so that is reflective of a rural edge to the village. It would attract villagers wishing to walk, cycle or play, enhancing connectivity between homes to the high quality open spaces and local facilities.

It would provide opportunities for:

  • Physical activities

  • Nature connection

  • Fresh air and sunlight

  • Social interaction

  • Education and learning

  • Stress reduction and relaxation

  • Promote biodiversity.

Concept illustration of the new country park

Sustainable location

The site has access to a wide range of facilities in Overton, all within a 20-minute walk of the site.

Overton is one of the most sustainable settlements in the Borough, identified within the new Local Plan as a Tier 2 settlement. This is reflective of the village’s local facilities, with good accessibility to public transport. Overton has grown to the south reflecting the sustainability of this area of the village given its proximity to the local services and facilities. Overton Railway Station is a 9 minute cycle from the site and provides services to London Waterloo, Basingstoke, Salisbury and Exeter. Services to London are regular and take approximately 55 minutes.

Our proposals seek to enhance the accessibility of public footpaths and bus stops from the site in the south of the village. In particular, we are proposing to upgrade pedestrian and cycle links to Dellands through the Country Park to enable quicker walking times and access to bus routes 76 and 86, as well as to the village centre and station.

Sustainable urban drainage

In order to ensure that surface water from rainfall on Bargate Homes’ site does not get displaced elsewhere as a result of our proposals, we will devise a sensitively designed, naturalistic feature, the technical name of which is a sustainable drainage system (SuDS), for approval by the lead flood authority.

New homes

The proposals offer a large variety of house types and tenures to suit people looking to get on the housing ladder, buy a family home or to downsize. Accessible and adaptable homes to enable people to remain here as their needs change. This approach encourages social cohesion by providing the opportunity for residents to stay in Overton and maintain all important friend and family networks. Homes will be designed to facilitate comfortable home working and be future proofed for flexible working arrangements.

Retaining and enhancing the existing landscape

The proposals have evolved around the existing hedgerows and trees which will be enhanced with additional planting within new landscape corridors - that create a gradual transition between the urban edge of Overton into the open countryside. The retention of trees and hedgerows provides mature planting of ecological value that helps mitigate the visual impact of the proposed new homes.

The existing landscape features create an opportunity to consolidate the character of the proposed development, increase and enhance the existing biodiversity.