Bargate Homes achieved planning permission in October 2018 for 55 homes for ‘Seven Acres’, now called ‘Sheep Fair Lane’. The development was built out and is now fully occupied.
In August 2020 Bargate Homes submitted an outline planning application for land to the west of Pond Close. The proposed development for 75 homes, open space, allotments and landscaping was refused at committee, following an officer recommendation for approval. It was subsequently dismissed at appeal in November 2021 on landscape grounds.
Since the appeal decision, Bargate Homes has reviewed the Inspector’s comments and undertaken further landscape and technical work to understand how future development here could better deliver social, economic, and environmental benefits to the community.
This has resulted in exploring the provision of a new Country Park on the area to the west of Sheep Fair Lane (instead of homes as previously proposed in the refused scheme). This would provide significant new green infrastructure and cycle/pedestrian links to the High Street, with housing only extending to Sheep Fair Lane, creating a new settlement edge to the west and south of Overton defined by existing mature landscaping.